Veterans of Blair County
Veteran Totals Separated by War
Veterans of Peace Time
French / Indian War
Revolutionary War
War of 1812
Mexican War
Civil War
Due to the fact that the information from the Civil War was pulled from pre-printed books, there are overlaps in the alphabetic breakdowns. For example, names A-B actually go A – B plus some C’s because they are on the same page as the last B’s.
These files are pretty big, about 20 pages, and may take a while to load.
Spanish / American War
Veterans of World War I
Veterans of World War II
Veterans of Korean War
Veterans of Vietnam War
Veterans of Persian Gulf
Veterans of War on Terrorism
Blair County Courthouse
423 Allegheny St. Suite 027
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Phone: (814) 693-3160
Fax: (814) 693-3159
Suite 027A is in the basement of new addition.
Eric Kay
Veterans Service Officer
Michael Campagna
Veterans Service Officer
Bill Berkheimer