Do I have to live in Blair County to work for the County? Is there a residency requirement?
No. We employ many people who live outside of Blair County.
Do I need to submit a separate application for each job opening?
Yes. Each title usually has a separate hiring manager in a separate department, so you do need to submit a separate resume and cover letter for each available job title.
How do I apply for an internship?
Unpaid positions do not typically appear on our website. Instead, please contact Human Resources Director Katherine Swigart by e-mail to send her your resume, information that includes your internship requirements, level of responsibility to be performed, whether you can accept credits versus wages, contact information, and a date by which you need a reply.
What if I want to volunteer at Blair County Prison, EMA, Fort Roberdeau, or another location?
Unpaid positions do not typically appear on our website, and each department that benefits from volunteers has its own volunteer application process. Please reach out to the department directly, using the County of Blair website to guide you to contact information.
What is the deadline for applying to position openings?
Applications are accepted as long as you see the title on our website unless noted otherwise in the ad.
Where can I view job openings?
Current openings appear on our website at https://blairco.workable.com.
I applied for a job several weeks ago but haven’t heard anything. What’s going on?
Thank you for your patience. The timing of hiring can be influenced by several factors that include the number of jobs open at any given time, the quantity of applications received, the workload of the department, holiday and/or vacation breaks, and other unforeseen interruptions. Candidates selected for interviews will be notified directly by the hiring department.
How long will my application materials remain on file?
Application materials are kept for two years after date of submission.
Is Blair County Drug and Alcohol Partnerships a County of Blair employer?
No, they are not our employees.
Is Blair County Planning Commission a County of Blair employer?
No, they are not our employees.
423 Allegheny Street, Suite 36
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Fax (814) 695-2838
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.