Public Apps
Public Apps
- Blair County GIS Portal
- The one-stop location for all of our Mapping Applications.
- Parcel Viewer
- This App is designed to help make some of Blair County's Assessment information more accessible to the public.
- Find a Polling Place
- Type in an address, and this application will tell you where you go to vote.
- FEMA Flood Hazard App
- Discover if you are located within a FEMA designated flood zone (FEMA hosted data)
- For more information on the FEMA Flood Insurance program, click here.
- Note: This application is for informative, advisory purposes only. Blair County does not declare whether or not a property of interest is within a floodplain, nor do we issue certificates of elevation.
Blair County Courthouse
423 Allegheny St., Suite 011
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
(814) 693-2535
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (EST)